Terms of use


These General Conditions regulate the contract between the training platform COMPANY NAME and the student. COMPANY NAME is a company domiciled in.……., zip code.... and city ....

Contact details:
E-mail: correo@dominio.com

1. Object of recruitment

The object of contracting is an online and/or face-to-face course exhibited on the COMPANY NAME website.
COMPANY NAME is exclusively a course platform that offers this catalogue and the registration of the course is understood to have been made at our registered office.

From the moment the user accesses https://dominiodelproyecto.com, he expressly accepts without reservation each and every one of the conditions included in the terms of use.

2. Process phases


  1. Registration

For registration it is required to fill in the form and provide true data. The data can be modified in the profile section once registered. COMPANY NAME is not responsible for any damages that could be due to the lack of veracity, validity, and authenticity of the information provided by other users about themselves or for the declarations, statements, explanations or ideologies.

The password is personal and non-transferable. The COMPANY NAME must be informed immediately of any unauthorised use of your account. Inactive records will be deleted if deemed necessary by the COMPANY NAME team.

  1. Payment

There is no payment for the course registration.
There is a payment for the registration of the course through the TPV systems with the bank....

  1. Confirmation

Confirmation of registration on the platform and registration for the course will be made by e-mail.
In the user account you will find all the courses organized by sessions with unlimited access of visualizations. The student will be able to download and save the presentations and other course materials (pdf, ppt, additional material, articles, etc.).

3. Quality of service

The quality of our teachers or premises is one of the essential assets of this platform. Any incident or complaint by the student will be heard and considered, and may result in the expulsion of a course, the premises or the teacher from this platform.

Necessary conditions:
- Internet connection through a personal computer (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Safari, Opera browsers) -
 Operating system: MacOs (iPad, iPhone), Google Android.

4. Intellectual property of the training material

The entire contents of this website: texts, images, sounds, brands, logos, colour combinations, or any other element, its structure and design, are the property of COMPANY NAME and are protected by current regulations on intellectual and industrial property. It is expressly forbidden to manipulate, copy, modify, incorporate, disseminate or make available to third parties’ information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, or make any changes to this page.

Technology, software, the source code of the website, some images and graphics are the intellectual property of Foxize School, S.L., and none of the exploitation rights over them can be understood to have been transferred to the User beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Portal. These rights are registered in the Intellectual Property Registry.

6. Change or Cancellation Policy

COMPANY NAME can modify the courses for exceptional reasons, and the student will always be notified of the changes.

Likewise, NAME COMPANY reserves the right to cancel the courses, with previous notice to the registered students.
The courses offered in COMPANY NAME are valid on the dates indicated.
A student has the possibility to request the cancellation of his/her registration by writing an e-mail correo@dominio.com

7. Conditions of use of the website

The conditions of web use are regulated in the COOKIES POLICY - PRIVACY POLICY.

8. Conditions in the comments

COMPANY NAME will not publish any comment contrary to common sense or the rules of coexistence.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction

It is totally forbidden to access https://nombredeproyecto.com for illegal or harmful purposes that directly or indirectly affect the commercial COMPANY NAME.

The contracting language is Spanish.
The terms, conditions and other documents of COMPANY NAME will be governed by Spanish law.
Most of the communication between the student and COMPANY NAME will be done electronically. The student accepts that this communication will have the same validity as a written communication, as long as the law allows it.